"We bridge ancient Torah with modern meaning and provide an accessible, meaningful home for Jews to connect and share a transformative experience with one another" --
JFX Mission Statement
Our Team
Program Director
Rabbi Koval studied for the rabbinate in Jerusalem following his Jewish studies at Telshe Rabbinical College in Cleveland and Chicago. As a popular mohel, Rabbi Koval loves and understands kids and their parents. After serving as a pulpit Rabbi for two years in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, he returned to his hometown of Cleveland in 2000, where he founded JFX. He also is involved with many worthy community projects. Rabbi Koval is the fearless leader of Congregation JFX and leads with wisdom and care. Rabbi Koval and his wife, Ruchi, are the proud and busy parents of seven wonderful children.
Call Rabbi Koval at 216-509-1989 or Email Rabbi Koval
Associate Director
Ruchi Koval is the co-founder and Associate Director of JFX. She has been a Jewish educator since 1998, leading self-development groups for adults and teens, and mentoring educators around the world. Ruchi is a certified relationship coach, motivational speaker, musician, blogger, author, and mother. She is a Momentum Educator, inspiring thousands of women on their journeys in Israel. Ruchi is the author of two books, Conversations with God and Soul Construction. Find her blog at outoftheorthobox.com, download the “Ruchi Koval” app from your app store, and follow her podcasts.
Call Ruchi at 216-346-9582 or Email Ruchi
Assistant Rabbi
Josh Grodko was born and raised in NY and attended rabbinical school in Yeshiva Toras Chaim (Chofetz Chaim) in North Miami Beach. He graduated as a business major from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ. Josh lived in Israel and returned to Cleveland in 2015 with his wife Sarah Rena and their three sons. As our assistant rabbi, Josh leads the congregation on Shabbat together with Rabbi Koval. His ready smile, depth and wisdom add so much to our community.
Call Josh at 845-548-3013 or Email Josh
Administrative Staff
Logistics Coordinator
Shua Levin is originally from Los Angeles. He lived in Israel from 2012-2020 where he pursued his education, attending the TJ Rabbinical School, the Mir institution of Talmudic study, and Ohr Sameach, in which he received his certificate in pedagogy, administration and Rabbinic responsibilities. Shua's favorite activity is planning and organizing, so his position at JFX of Logistics Coordinator is a perfect fit. Shua says, "This is what I have always enjoyed spending my time doing — the only difference is that now I'm directing my energies and skill into one of the top organizations of its kind."