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Rambles of 2023

JFX Presents: A Year in Review_12.29.23_Parshat Vayechi

JFX Presents: Six Days in Israel_12.22.23_Parshat Vaigash

JFX Presents: Be Like Papa Abe_12.15.23_Parshat Miketz

JFX Presents: An Engaging Story_12.8.23_Parshat Vayeshev

JFX Presents: In Another World_12.1.23_Parshat Vayishlach

JFX Presents: Responding in Kind_11.24.23_Parshat Vayetzei

JFX Presents: Time to Rally_11.17.2023_Parshat Toldot

JFX Presents:From LA to Ra'anana_11.10.2023_Parshat Chayei Sara

JFX Presents: Never_11.3.23_Parshat Vayera

JFX Presents: Missing Grandpa_09.08.2023_Parshat Nitzavim-Vayeliech

JFX Presents: My Bris Wish List_09.01.2023_Parshat Ki Tavo

JFX Presents: True Love_08.25.2023_Parshat Ki Teitzei

JFX Presents: Summer School_08.18.2023_Parshat Shoftim

JFX Presents: A Little Nibble_08.11.2023_Parshat Re'eh

JFX Presents: A Rabbi Walks into a Car Rental..._08.04.2023_Parshat Eikev

JFX Presents: A Mind-Altering Shabbat_07.28.2023_Parshat Va'etchanan

JFX Presents: Shabbat Shalom, Tel Aviv_07.21.2023_Parshat Devarim

JFX Presents: What Happens in Baltimore…ends up in the ramble_07.14.2023_Parshat Matot-Masei

JFX Presents: Peace in the Middle East_07.07.2023_Parshat Pinchas

JFX Presents: Dateline: Dubai_06.30.2023_Parshat Chukat-Balak

JFX Presents: Pain in Poland-A Comrade's Journey Through Hell_06.22.2023_Parshat Korach

JFX Presents: Free At Last!_06.16.2023_Parshat Shelach

JFX Presents: Blindsided_06.09.2023_Parshat Beha'alotcha

JFX Presents: As the World Turns_06.02.2023_Parshat Naso

JFX Presents: "Naaseh v’nishma” — we will do and we will hear_05.25.2023_Shavuot

JFX Presents: The Shoe Guru_05.19.2023_Parshat Bamidbar

JFX Presents: Racoons For Sale_05.12.2023_Parshat Behar-Bechukotai

JFX Presents: This Conversation Will Be Recorded_05.05.2023_Parshat Emor

JFX Presents: "Pew Pew!!"_04.28.2023_Parshat Acharei-Kedoshim

JFX Presents: Made of Honor_04.21.2023_Parshat Tazria-Metzora

JFX Presents: You Can Do It! We Can Help!_03.31.2023_Parshat Tzav

JFX Presents: Why is this Carrot Different?_03.24.2023_Parshat Vayikra

JFX Presents: Wo will be the Zaidys of our children?_03.17.2023_Parshat Vayekhel-Pekudei

JFX Presents: Snow Pants, a Bagel and a Diablo_03.10.2023_Parshat Ki Tisa

JFX Presents: It was the Best of Times, It was the Worst of Times-or both_03.03.2023_Parshat Tetzaveh

JFX Presents: A Marked Man_02.24.2023_Parshat Terumah

JFX Presents: Achi...My Brother_02.17.2023_Parshat Mishpatim

JFX Presents: A Chip on Your...Wrist_02.10.2023_Parshat Yitro

JFX Presents: In the Clear_01.27.2023_Parshat Bo

JFX Presents: Do Not Contact_01.20.2023_Parshat Va'eira

JFX Presents: Am Yisroel Chai!_01.13.2023_Parshat Shemot

JFX Presents: Not Sad_01.06.2023_Parshat Vayechi

Thu, January 16 2025 16 Tevet 5785