Our doors are open to all who seek to worship, learn and serve the community.
Services at Jewish Family Experience are a learning experience. During the service members of the Minyan are encouraged to raise their hand if they have a question regarding the structure of the service, the meaning of a prayer, the interpretation of the Torah portion or a comment regarding the practice of Judaism.
Our goal is to broaden the understanding of Judaism. And through better understanding establish each individual’s relationship with G-d. Join us to experience our interactive service. Come learn with us.
Sponsor a Kiddush
The Kiddush following JFX Shabbat Morning Experience is a great way to socialize, catch up with old friends, meet new members, guests and be part of JFX's vibrant community. Sponsoring a Kiddush is a beautiful and meaningful way to pay tribute to a loved one, celebrate a simcha such as bar/bat mitzvahs, anniversaries, graduations and remembering the Yahrzeit of a family member. Share stories, laugh, be inspired and be part of fostering a strong sense of community at JFX.
We have three levels of Kiddush sponsorship. These costs are based on normal Shabbat attendance.
Standard Kiddush: $500
Includes: Includes kugel, chulent, herring, chips, dips, cake, drinks and fruit.
Deluxe Kiddush: $750
Includes all of the above plus cold cuts and lettuce salad.
Gala Kiddush: $1,000
Includes all of the above plus chicken fingers.
To sponsor a kiddush sign up here
For more information please contact our office
Shabbat Schedule
8:45 am
Shacharit service with Rabbi Koval, Rabbi Josh Grodko and our cantor, Rabbi Nissan Blum
9:45 am
Narrated Torah reading
10:00 am
Youth groups
10:30 am
Rabbi's sermon
10:45 am
Mussaf service
Ruchi's Parsha class
11:15 am
Deluxe Kiddush